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How much is a 1986 Washington quarter worth? estimates the value of a 1986 D Washington Quarter in average condition to be worth 25 cents, while one in mint state could be valued around $19. (see details)...

How much is a 1986 p quarter worth?

A 1986 P quarter in circulated condition won’t usually be worth more than its face value. (The exception to that rule would be a coin with an interesting Mint error.) In mint state, values start at around a dollar for a coin graded MS60 and rise gradually from there. A gem MS65 example could be yours for around $20, while at MS66, the value is $85.

How much is a 1986 D quarter worth?

A lightly circulated 1986-D quarter can sell for as much as 50 cents, while uncirculated 1986-D quarters are usually worth about $4. Some of the reasons the 1986-D quarter values are a little higher than normal have to do with the relatively small number of 1986 mint sets sold.

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